Final Toon 3.0 and VolumeBreaker 1.0 by CEBAS
Cebas Final Toon Release 3.0 for 3ds max 8-2010 32-64-bit
finalToon is a full blown True Line Renderer (TLR), with unparalleled line quality and rendering speed. Cartoon or line rendering scenes that take a long time to render within 3ds max, are lightning fast in finalToon! Suddenly, you can render real fat outlines of an object without the wait and inaccurate dirty look of a shader based solution.
finalToon, being a TLR (true line renderer) doesn't mean that finalToon has to replace your favorite renderer to do shading or other special effects. finalToon is implemented as a true 3ds max "Render Effect", and so you can enjoy all the great benefits of such an implementation! You may adjust line styles in realtime without the need to re-render the whole scene over and over again. This is what we call "The Choice of Quality".
All shading and rendering is done with the production proven 3ds max scanline renderer. When the scanline pass is done, the finalToon line renderer "pops in" and takes over to produce one of the best line renderings available of today. And even better- finalToon supports perfectly finalRender® with all the advanced options, including GI rendering for cartoon style objects!
What's new in R3 ?finalToon R3 accelerates all line renderings and enables you to even render much more outlines and objects than before. The line rendering algorithms have been worked over in this Release to perform much better and increasing image quality.
New Line-Styles have been added and hatching offers now a whole new level of quality and control!
Support for special camera types has also been added by implementing the revolutionary new fT-Outline shader with its unique way of rendering outlines as a shader.
Cebas VolumeBreaker v.1.0 for 3ds max 8-2010 32-64-bit
volumeBreaker is a volumetric geometry fracturing tool that will instantly create sub-geometry within any mesh - geometry that perfectly fits together and fills any given volume. With volumeBreaker Cebas brings a Hollywood quality destruction tool to 3ds MAX. volumeBreaker was developed in consultation with, and to meet the very exacting demands of, VFX artists working on multi-million dollar movies - because of this, volumeBreaker truly is a production proven tool.
volumeBreaker can be applied to virtually any mesh you can create in 3ds MAX, including meshes that are 'lazy' and not a fully enclosed volume. volumeBreaker includes algorithms that intelligently attempt to compensate for any errors within the mesh; errors such as unwelded vertices and open edges that can be the result of sloppy modelling or due to importing from CAD software or other sources.
The sub-geometry that volumeBreaker creates are individual elements within the parent mesh, accessible by applying an Edit Poly or Edit Mesh modifier on top of volumeBreaker; allowing you to further modify and control the end result.
volumeBreaker was used extensively by Uncharcterd Territory in the production of many of the destruction shots used in Roland Emmerich's movie "2012".
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