SketchUp Pro 7.1.6087 + V-Ray SR 1.5 + Podium 1.7 | 127 MB
SketchUp Pro 7.1.6087
Google SketchUp Pro is a professionally supported 3D modeling tool that empowers designers to explore complex design ideas, import and export a host of file formats and create interactive presentations. With its award-winning toolset, ease of use and robust interoperability and customization features, SketchUp Professional is the ultimate modeling tool for professional designers and 3D modelers.
• Export 3D models to CAD and other 3D formats.
• Export 2D vector images.
• Create compelling multi-page design documents and presentations.
• Arrange and annotate multiple scaled images on a single-page.
• Create customized elements and symbols for your presentations using 2D Vector graphics toolset.
• Create, document and present your designs using a single software package.
V-Ray for SketchUp 7 SR 1.5
SketchUp is one of the most widely used and easy to learn 3D Modeling software on the market today. With V-Ray for SketchUp users now have one of the most powerful rendering tools available to visualize their models with the utmost quality and realism. V-Ray works within the SketchUp environment allowing users to be able to efficiently incorporate the task of rendering within their current workflows.
* True raytraced reflections and refractions
* Glossy reflections and refractions
* Indirect Illumination (global illumination, global lighting). Different approaches include direct computation (brute force), and irradiance maps.
* Area shadows (soft shadows). Includes box and sphere emitters
* True HDRI support. Includes support of proper texture coordinate handling for both cubic and angular maps. Map your images directly without distortions or cropping.
* Fully multithreaded raytracing engine
* Native SketchUp materials supported and integrated into V-Ray Materials
* Antialiasing. Includes fixed, simple 2-level and adaptive approaches.
* Reusable irradiance maps (save and load support). Incremental sampling for fly- through animations.
* Displacement
* V-Ray Material Editor with Material Preview
* V-Ray Sun and Sky
* V-Ray Physical Camera
* Depth-Of-Field camera effect.
* Distributed Rendering allowing a single image to be process over up to 10 machines
* Per Material GI, Background, Reflection, and Refraction
* V-Ray Two-Sided Material for easy creation of thin translucency
* Caustics
* Animation Support
SketchUp Podium 1.7 Full
Podium 1.7 includes Podium Wizard. Podium Wizard has two functions. One is to check the SketchUp model for the number of reflective faces, lights (LEM) and omni lights that exist in the model. This function will give you an idea the amount of computing power Podium needs to create the rendered image. For example, the higher the number of lights (LEM), reflective faces and omni lights you have, the longer it will take for Podium to render.
The second function included in the Podium Wizard menu is to reset the model so that all reflective faces, LEMs, omni lights are deleted from the model. This function is good to use when you want to start over again especially if you relized that you have too many LEMs, reflective faces or omni lights.
Previously, you had to download Podium Wizard and Podium Tools separately from Podium but with version 1.7, these two functions are included with the installation.
You can also reset the co-ordinates of the Podium UI. This comes in handy when you go from a two monitor system to a one monitor system.
New Presets
The default preset has been re-worked so that it will produce rendered images of complex models in more cases. In previous versions, the default preset did not work on all models. A new preset called blurry.xml is included which works well with models with blurred reflection
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